8. januar 2010

Oppskrift på Lise's peppernøtter

Here is the recipe for the teeth-crunching "pepper-nuts" as Helge's sister Lise makes them.
Helge has brought some of these to work a couple of times, and they tend to disappear very quickly.

250 g syrup (light or dark)
250 g sugar
1 dl whipping cream
60 g margarine or butter
2 ts ground aniseeds
1/2 ts pepper
1/4 ts natron
About 500g fine wheat flour

Oven at 175 degC, 12-15 minute on the middle rack.

Gently heat syrup, sugar, cream and margarine in a deep pan. Stir until sugar has dissolved. Grind the aniseeds in a mortar (or use ground aniseed). Remove the pan from the heat and mix in remaining ingredients.

Divide dough into manageable pieces and roll into 1 cm thick strings. Cut strings into 1 cm long pieces and roll each piece into a round ball. Place on tray and bake until they have a nice tan. Cookies will be soft when taken out of oven but they turn quite hard once cooled down. Be careful with your teeth :)

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